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The table below includes the Credit Investor Reporting for Arqiva. A description of this reporting can be found below the table.

For further information, please contact:

Darius Zemrieta - Treasurer

Documents for the year ending 30 June:

Financial Statements

Q2 (December)

AF1 Compliance Certificate (Senior Consolidated)

Q2 (December)

AF2 Compliance Certificate (Junior)

Q2 (December)

Junior Investor report – Schedule 13

Q1 (September)

Senior Quarterly Investor report - Schedule 7

Q2 (December) Q1 (September)

Annual Investor Presentation

Q4 (June)

Financial Statements

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

AF1 Compliance Certificate (Senior Consolidated)

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

AF2 Compliance Certificate (Junior)

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

Senior Quarterly Investor report - Schedule 7

Q1 (September) Q2 (December) Q3 (March) Q4 (June)

Junior Investor report – Schedule 13

Q1 (September) Q3 (March)

Annual investor presentation

Q4 (June)

Financial Statements

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

AF1 Compliance Certificate (Senior Consolidated)

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

AF2 Compliance Certificate (Junior)

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

Senior Quarterly Investor report - Schedule 7

Q2 (December) Q3 (March) Q1 (September) Q4 (June)

Junior Investor report – Schedule 13

Q3 (March) Q1 (September)

Annual investor presentation

Q4 (June)

Financial Statements

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

Junior Investor report – Schedule 13

No Files

Junior Investor report - Schedule 6

2023 Q1 (September) Q3 (March)

Senior Quarterly Investor report - Schedule 7

Q1 (September) Q2 (December) Q3 (March) Q4 (June)

AF1 Compliance Certificate (Senior Consolidated)

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

Financial Statements

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

Annual investor presentation

Q4 (June)

Junior Investor report - Schedule 6

Q1 (September) Q2 (December) Q3 (March)

Senior Quarterly Investor report - Schedule 7

Q1 (September) Q2 (December) Q3 (March) Q4 (June)

AF1 Compliance Certificate (Senior consolidated)

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

Financial Statements

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

Annual investor presentation

Q4 (June)

Junior Quarterly Investor report - Schedule 6

Q1 (September) Q2 (December) Q3 (March) Q4 (June)

Senior Quarterly Investor report - Schedule 7

Q1 (September) Q2 (December) Q3 (March) Q4 (June)

AF1 Compliance Certificate

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

Financial Statements

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

Annual investor presentation

Q4 (June)

Junior Quarterly Investor report - Schedule 6

Q1 (September) Q3 (March) Q4 (June)

Senior Quarterly Investor report - Schedule 7

Q1 (September) Q2 (December) Q3 (March) Q4 (June)

AF1 Compliance Certificate

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

Combined Investor report

Q1 (September) Q2 (December) Q3 (March) Q4 (June)

Annual investor presentation

Q4 (June)

Schedule 7 Quarterly investor report

Q1 (September) Q2 (December) Q3 (March) Q4 (June)

ABFP Compliance certificate

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)

AF1 Compliance certificate

Q2 (December) Q4 (June)


Financial statements

Unaudited financial statements at half year that include P&L, balance sheet, cashflow, operating and financial review, and recent developments. For the full year reporting period, audited financial statements will be published that include P&L, balance sheet, cashflow, operating and financial review, recent developments, description of the business, management and shareholders, material risk factors etc.

Annual investor presentation

The annual investor presentation which is published at financial year end. This discusses annual results, key developments and business overview.

Junior Quarterly Investor report - Schedule 13 (previously Schedule 6)

A report to meet the requirements of the ABPL (Junior) Group, produced in the first and third quarters, summarising business developments, capital expenditure and financing.

Senior Quarterly Investor report - Schedule 7

This report is in the format of Schedule 7 of the Common Terms Agreement (CTA) summarising business developments, capital expenditure, financing and senior covenants. This is a quarterly requirement of the CTA for AGPL.

AF1 Compliance certificate (Senior consolidated)

Compliance certificates in relation to Arqiva Financing No.1 Ltd.

AF2 Compliance certificate (Junior)

Compliance certificate in relation to Arqiva Financing No 2 Ltd