Our global fibre network, Arqnet, provides superfast, secure and reliable global delivery of video, data and more.
Rely on fibre for great network connectivity
We know that for many of our customers good just isn’t good enough. So because quick, continuous and secure fibre connectivity is mission critical to you, we operationally deliver network service availability to a minimum of 99.999%.
This explains why our fibre network is trusted by the UK emergency services, as well as major international broadcasters and blue-chip companies.
Connectivity designed for security
What makes us different, and we believe better, is our wealth of broadcast expertise. Our radio and TV customers depend on our connectivity solutions to deliver their content absolutely right first time. That's why our connectivity solutions are designed for security and optimised for broadcast content.
Network expertise
No matter what your media connectivity needs are, we can help. We offer a range of network solutions for data, audio and video - from 64kbit/s up to 40Gbit/s. Through our networks, you'll be able to access worldwide cable head-ends, DTH satellite platforms and OTT platform operators, connecting multiple locations with complete confidence. In short, letting us look after your connectivity needs will let you concentrate on your business.
Delivering 99.999% service availability
Arqnet, our fibre connectivity solution, features:
• Efficient, secure and cost-effective distribution of your content to reach audiences all around the world
• End-to-end simplicity and efficiency, using us as a single trusted service provider
• Design and build of solutions to meet your needs that can deliver 99.999% service availability
• You can mix and match delivery formats
• Proactive management of our network and your services 24/7, ensuring your content gets through.
For more information about Arqnet, our fibre connectivity solution please contact us.
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